“Good Bye Beach Dunes On A1A” -Say the Many Residents Who Travel This Road
I wish to thank the hired guns at Gray Robinson for working over the the Mayor & members of City Council the past many, many months, greasing the skids for probably granting not 1 but 2 variances so a house that does not meet City Code can be built at 2500 North Ocean Blvd. This is exactly why we residents voice our objection to over-development. The City Council does not enforce the City’s codes; there are too many exceptions made to benefit one party at the expense of the many in Boca Raton. Were our City leaders to vote based on Code, we residents would not be up in arms. Follow the Code and we will be behind all residential and commercial projects but once you vote outside the Code, you are voting against all of us, in this case, those who enjoy the beach line along A-1-A. Why is this so hard to understand?
By voting to grant these 2 variances, our City leaders will be opening the door for further granting of variances on the East, or ocean side, of A-1-A. They will have set a precedent and I know anyone with modest intelligence knows this. Your City Council will forever change the beach line. Why would they do this? Taxpayer’s only ask that Council follow the Code, versus granting variances so easily just so someone can spoil the beach and make money. Is there something in it for the Council because it makes no sense?.
All the condominiums on the West side of A1A have played by the rules. They own property on the ocean but elected NOT TO BUILD structures on that stretch of beach. They could have built cabanas or other structure but wanted to save the natural beach. Why don’t our City leaders see it this way? Ask them, why? Maybe it’s because they are being worn down by the repeated rhetoric from these hired guns who are in it to make money from such projects, the rest of us be damned.
The citizens love the natural beauty of this beach area as we look over our shoulder to see old Florida in all its natural beauty. If City leaders approve this, it will not be the only home on the dunes. Allow one and two or more will follow. This stretch of beach will be changed forever.
Given the applicant has hired guns, no doubt this residential project will get the go ahead. You, the citizen, can make a difference. All of us need to voice disapproval of these 2 variances, if you do not, this will pass. Please do not allow it to happen. It’s up to all of us – every single voice counts. Please contact our Mayor and Council members and voice your “NO” on granting variances on the 2500 North Ocean Blvd. property. We should not start developing the beach after all these years. There is no need to grant the variances other than greed and your City Council should be shamed for even thinking of doing it.
Reminder: March 2017 election time can’t come too soon
James Hendrey
Publisher’s note: This item is not at this time being considered by the City Council. It has been sent back to the Zoning Board of Appeals for further consideration. BocaWatch suggests that interested residents should plan to attend the ZBOA meeting when the item is scheduled for action. BW will keep you posted on any upcoming dates.
The ZBOA is our first line of defense to oppose granting either or both of the two variances needed for the building project to move forward. The ZBOA is required to accept public input at the meeting for their official record. That record becomes part of the recommendation sent to the City Council for final decision. Thanks are extended to James and Nancy Hendry and to Mark Mannix for their good work in bringing this matter to the attention of the observing public.