Fights Worth Fighting!
We fight the fights that need to be fought…. Boca Raton is under attack! Residents from all over town are fighting the good fight...

The Beach Front Property – Hail Mary Pass
Another day and another item crossed off my bucket list. On December 21st I attended my first Greater Boca Raton Beach and Parks...

How Soon We Forget Why We Have Codes
This past Thursday night’s ZBOA (Zoning Board of Adjustment) meeting was one of the better meetings held by the City in years because we...

Councilman Correspondence
Councilman Scott Singer has responded to the e-mails sent by many of our residents. Thanks to all who took action, and read the...

Our Most Precious Asset at Risk
2500 N Ocean Blvd It is of major importance for the Zoning Board of Appeals (“ZBA”) to deny the application for a variance to the...